Curriculum/Course Catalog » Curriculum/Course Catalog

Curriculum/Course Catalog

At Cowan, we implement a curriculum aligned to current state standards and seek to ensure that all our students have a strong elementary education to be career and college ready. We take pride in the reponsibility we have toward our students and have designed an interdisciplary curriculum to promote literacy across disciplines which include social studies and the sciences.
We understand that 21st century learners must have opportunities to develop critical thinking skills through exposure to rich literary and informational text, which can be comprehended, evaluated, and synthesized. We encourage our students through thoughtful and engaging instruction to deepen and widen their understanding of themselves and the world around them. While elementary education encompasses only the first steps in a student’s journey, at Cowan, through our curriculum and instruction, we hope to cultivate a lifelong love of learning.
For more information on LAUSD’s literacy instruction, please use the link below:
Because we recognize the importance of mathematical literacy and competence as a means to create a competitive 21st century workforce, at Cowan, we have devised a curriculum to help students develop sound mathematical understanding and reasoning. Our curriculum and instruction focuses on conceptual development and ample opportunities for students to justify and explore their mathematical ability. Using this two-pronged approach, Cowan students build mastery in the content area and develop expertise in generating mathematical proofs using models and equations.
For more information on LAUSD’s mathematical instruction, please use the link below:
Consistent with our District’s vision, at Cowan, we hope to build a phyisically literate population by exposing our students to the necessary attitudes and behaviors that will help them become healthy and active throughout their lives.
To accomplish this, we have trained our staff members in the popular character education and student development program, Character Counts. Staff coordinating physical educaton lessons have also been trained to implement character building activities which include cooperation skills. Additionally all lesson are grade level appropriate and adhere to current Calfornia Content Standards for Physical Education.
As we believe in the ability of the Arts to open new pathways for learning and building self-esteem, Cowan students have the opporuntiy to participate in many activities related to the Arts.
Under the trained tutelage of professional dance instructors from Dancing Classrooms Los Angeles, Cowan’s 5th graders have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of cooperative dancing, etiquette, and the history that has shaped the ballroom culture. Through this partnership, past 5th grade classes have competed in local competitions and have medaled in 2012, 2013, and 2014, gaining valuable experience and self-esteem through the process.
All Cowan students participate in visual arts lessons taught by Ms. Nickie Burrell, who works in collaboration with Loyola Marymont University and LAUSD to bring culturally relevant art projects to all grade levels. Student work is showcased and made professionally available for purchase at our annual spring International Day Festival and Fundraiser.
Relatedly, several Cowan teachers also participate in a Loyola Marymont University piloted and sponsored arts program, aimed at working to bridge social and cultural studies with art. Such integrated learning has helped our students to realize the power of art to exemplify great cultural achievements and to use art as a means of self-expression and to effect change.
Vocal instruction is a component of the performing arts which all Cowan students have exposure to. This vital instruction gives our students experience in music fundatmentals, including pitch tone, and rhythm. Students also have the chance to gain more experience in using the voice as a form of self- expression and empowerment, highlighted by the exceptional performances our students participate in throughout the year.
Cowan is proud to offer its students the opportunity to participate in lessons that expose them to different cultures and languages. In previous years, students have had the pleasure of learning Arabic through a State Department sponsored instructor from Eygpt.
Our future language program will feature instruction in Spanish. Students will continue to experience language instruction twice a week to build their fundamental knowledge of the language and gain a greater appreciation of the cultures that speak it.
For more information on any of our exciting academic programs, please contact your student's teacher.